Spiritual Life

The Word – Rich In You

The wealth of God’s glory is due to his word. His word is the divine stamp of His person and the final authority over all things whether in Heaven or in earth. By it, he created the  world. It is this same word He gave us, by which we can have access to His providence… Continue reading The Word – Rich In You

Bible Study Outlines

Qualities That Makes Believers Salts of the Earth

The use of salt on anything is always significant. It serves as purifier, sweetening, preservative and enhancement. Jesus likened His disciples or followers to be salts of the earth that must not lose its flavour. Just as we are being called, we must all live up to the expectation and possess the qualities of a… Continue reading Qualities That Makes Believers Salts of the Earth

Bible Study Outlines

Believers as Salts of the Earth

The use of salt on anything is always significant. It serves as purifier, sweetening, preservative and enhancement. Jesus likened His disciples or followers to be the salt of the earth that must not lose its flavour. Just as we are being called, we must all live up to the expectation and possess the qualities of… Continue reading Believers as Salts of the Earth

Bible Study Outlines

Believers as Lights of the World

Light signifies illumination, direction and source of life in literal meaning in one way or the other to every creature on earth. We were told from the word of God that in the beginning the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep; and God commanded that there… Continue reading Believers as Lights of the World